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佚名 2024-06-16 人已围观







       Maps - Maroon 5,Big Sean

       I miss the taste of a sweeter life

       I miss the conversation

       I'm searching for a song tonight

       I'm changing all of the stations

       I like to think that we had it all

       We drew a map to a better place

       But on that road I took a fall

       Oh baby why did you run away

       I was there for you in your darkest times

       I was there for you in your darkest nights

       But I wonder where were you

       When I was at my worst down on my knees

       And you said you had my back so I

       Wonder where were you

       When all the roads you took came back to me

       So I'm following the map that leads to you

       The map that leads to you

       Ain't nothing I can do

       The map that leads to you following following following to you

       The map that leads to you

       Ain't nothing I can do

       The map that leads to you following following following

       I hear your voice in my sleep at night

       Hard to resist temptation

       Cause something strange has come over me

       And now I can't get over you

       No I just can't get over you

       I was there for you in your darkest times

       I was there for you in your darkest night

       But I wonder where were you

       When I was at my worst down on my knees

       And you said you had my back so wonder where were you

       When all the roads you took came back to me

       So I'm following the map that leads to you

       The map that leads to you

       Ain't nothing I can do

       The map that leads to you following following following to you

       The map that leads to you

       Ain't nothing I can do

       The map that leads to you

       Oh oh oh

       Oh oh oh

       Ya ya ya

       Ah ah ah

       Oh I was there for you oh in your darkest time

       Oh I was there for you oh in your darkest night

       Oh I was there for you oh in your darkest time

       Oh I was there for you oh in your darkest night

       But I wonder where were you

       When I was at my worst down on my knees

       And you said you had my back so wonder where were you

       When all the roads you took came back to me

       So I'm following the map that leads to you

       The map that leads to you

       Ain't nothing I can do

       The map that leads to you following following following to you

       The map that leads to you

       Ain't nothing I can do

       The map that leads to you following following following

       梦瑶雪儿本人说自己从来没有过裸照。裸的那几张不是自己,那么大的差别。梦瑶雪儿说突然很多人加她QQ ,就有人给她发了网址,这些事严重的影响了她的生活和心情 ,关键她什么都没做 ,就这样躺枪。梦瑶雪儿说自己的LOL战斗力3200,怎么可能做得了LOL主播 。

       我没有做过LOL主播,也没有照过裸照,和其他妹子一样 ,只是在空间和微博晒了自己的照片。梦瑶雪儿刚刚大学毕业工作,为这事从早饭到现在为止没吃下东西过 ,不知道是得罪了谁 这样黑她。

       梦瑶雪儿参加过LOL粉丝真人秀活动 。参加过,这活动没什么呀 ,发帖子赢公仔而已, 但是没有发过什么裸照去拉票的。梦瑶雪儿:我从来没有在YY上面做过直播 ,别人除了从我空间扒 ,也就是从微薄扒,再其次就是多玩论坛扒了。梦瑶雪儿说歪歪没有人联系她,她的歪歪号我打游戏的时候才会开 ,平时永远不会登陆的,她那个号级别又不高。

       梦瑶雪儿自己力量太过于薄弱 ,除了在空间写日志澄清 ,微博澄清 ,论坛帖子澄清 ,没有其他办法了。雪儿的QQ空间是对任何人开放的么,空间照片任何人都可以看见。

       到目前为止她的QQ空间依旧没有进行任何设置,因为出了谣言就马上给空间上锁或是删照片,那这不是默认。梦瑶雪儿要为自己澄清 ,然后依然还是我自己的空间,不会为了这些破事去改变自己。说白了干嘛要为了这些破事把空间锁了照片删了 ,我又没有做错什么。

