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star strike 白金攻略_astro白金攻略_1

佚名 2024-06-15 人已围观


star strike 白金攻略_astro白金攻略

       现在,请允许我来为大家详细解释一下star strike 白金攻略的问题,希望我的回答能够帮助到大家。关于star strike 白金攻略的讨论,我们正式开始。

1.star strike ?????





6.请问一首麦当娜的歌,好像是叫super star,

star strike 白金攻略_astro白金攻略

star strike ?????

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       作者:David Sherman

       出版社:Del Rey




       Swift, silent, and deadly–they strike where no one else dares.

       Fear is the fastest-growing crop on Haulover, a newly colonized planet where someone–or something–is destroying isolated farmhouses. The unseen enemy strikes without warning, then disappears, leaving no stone standing, no trace of families or farm animals. When the Confederation receives a desperate plea for help, it’s time to send in the Marines.

       Impossible missions are a matter of course for Fourth Force Recon’s second platoon squads, and the situation at Haulover–with no witnesses and few clues–is no exception. But this assignment turns out to be even tougher and bloodier than usual because the devastation is a ploy–to lure the nine Marines into a trap, and to force them to bust the Confederation’s terrible secret wide open.

       And as for the Skinks lying in ambush on Haulover, they have no idea what trouble is . . . until they go up against a few good Marines.

       歌名不是叫super star



       Strike a pose

       Strike a pose

       Vogue, vogue, vogue

       Vogue, vogue, vogue

       Look around everywhere you turn is heartache

       It's everywhere that you go [look around]

       You try everything you can to escape

       The pain of life that you know [life that you know]

       When all else fails and you long to be

       Something better than you are today

       I know a place where you can get away

       It's called a dance floor, and here's what it's for, so


       Come on, vogue

       Let your body move to the music [move to the music]

       Hey, hey, hey

       Come on, vogue

       Let your body go with the flow [go with the flow]

       You know you can do it

       All you need is your own imagination

       So use it that's what it's for [that's what it's for]

       Go inside, for your finest inspiration

       Your dreams will open the door [open up the door]

       It makes no difference if you're black or white

       If you're a boy or a girl

       If the music's pumping it will give you new life

       You're a superstar, yes, that's what you are, you know it

       (chorus, substituting "groove" for "move")

       Beauty's where you find it

       Not just where you bump and grind it

       Soul is in the musical

       That's where I feel so beautiful

       Magical, life's a ball

       So get up on the dance floor


       Vogue, [Vogue]

       Beauty's where you find it [move to the music]

       Vogue, [Vogue]

       Beauty's where you find it [go with the flow]

       Greta Garbo, and Monroe

       Deitrich and DiMaggio

       Marlon Brando, Jimmy Dean

       On the cover of a magazine

       Grace Kelly; Harlow, Jean

       Picture of a beauty queen

       Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire

       Ginger Rogers, dance on air

       They had style, they had grace

       Rita Hayworth gave good face

       Lauren, Katherine, Lana too

       Bette Davis, we love you

       Ladies with an attitude

       Fellows that were in the mood

       Don't just stand there, let's get to it

       Strike a pose, there's nothing to it

       Vogue, vogue

       Oooh, you've got to

       Let your body move to the music

       Oooh, you've got to just

       Let your body go with the flow

       Oooh, you've got to


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